I support Governor Scott Walker in his re-election campaign as well as a candidate in 2016 for President. Governor Walker is the son of an outstanding minister. Scott had solid experience at the local level in Milwaukee, legislative level and is currently in his first superb term as Governor.
His accomplishments are partially and wonderfully contained in “Unintimidated.”
Scott is a superb leader, wise, honest, capable and courageous. It’s not a matter of one thing he has done, but his whole public career of awesome feats.
Scott is a conservative in the mold of President Reagan. He understands the political process, knows how to win – all important, and can help to reform our national government.
Yes, Scott is a reformer, just as President Reagan was.
Some cynics have given up on Washington and “the best way.” We just can’t do that. Skepticism of a healthy nature is fine, but we must not let the Democrats and President Obama or Secretary Clinton erode our freedoms and prosperity.
Instead, 2014 must, must, must be a turn toward reform in the nature of President Reagan. One by one, reform by reform, we must invoke a new contract with America.
Who can say that the Democrats have brought prosperity to our nation? After all is said, it is at the state level, in “red” states or Republican Governor states many times supported by Republican legislatures that have brought measures of prosperity to their states despite the negative waves from Washington.
Yes, it has been in spite of, and certainly not because of, that so many Republican states have done everything from improving education – adult as well as children; lowered taxes, thus stimulating individuals and businesses; and, quite significantly, brought fiscal discipline to their states.
The prescription that I recommend is more of the same in all 50 states, local governments, and last, but certainly not least – our national government.
We can and we really must if we are to innovate as we must in this Innovation Age.
Courage is sorely needed in the national arena and I believe Governor Scott Walker has what it takes to lead our nation toward Heaven on Earth.
As to Secretary Clinton, I see her as a typical Democrat “folk hero” who really doesn’t have the local and state experience, or the character of Governor Walker – a Baptist minister’s son who has a serious record of public service and management skills and experience.
Much will be made of Secretary Clinton as her potential of being the first female President. But I read a number of years ago, “The Case against Hillary Clinton.” It was quite persuasive.
I believe her biggest problem is that of character. The Presidency will be very difficult for her because she will face an almost impossible task of keeping up with what she told to various people. Such a task is not so difficult for someone like Governor Walker who would be of an honest nature with all and would not have that additional stress.
Honesty is the best policy, for public servants as well as everyone else.
I don’t trust Secretary Clinton or President Obama. In terms of the Presidency, he completely misled the American people on Obamacare and somehow he deserves to fall from the heights that the mainstream press has – quite undeservedly – placed him.
Trust is so critical to a stable, robust, prosperous democracy. President Reagan was trusted and, thus, was quite effective not only economically, but also by foreign leaders, even behind the Iron Curtain.
Honesty from a Baptist minister’s son can help to cure this malady of Democratic “folk heroes” making.
In a democracy such as ours, we each of voting age have a role to play.