The Wall Street Journal reports on its Opinion Review and Outlook the following: “The IRS–remember those jaunty folks?–announced Friday [June 14, 2014] that it can’t find two years of emails from Lois Lerner to the Departments of Justice or Treasury. And none to the White House or Democrats on Capitol Hill. An agency spokesman blames a computer crash.”Does anyone want to buy a bridge? It’s sad that our federal government, in which I served honorably for twenty years, has sunk so low with this Obama Administration. What is so bad about this IRS scandal of harassing conservative and Tea Party groups is that it may have helped President Obama with his “reelection” in 2012.
I remember how President Nixon was charged with using the IRS for political purposes. But the things he did were minimal compared to the scale of abuse that I deeply believe President Obama personally directed. It’s interesting that this news was disclosed on a Friday, trying to master the news cycle after much, much delay with the same purpose.It’s high time for all the media to wake up to the corrupt nature of the Obama Administration and how it is drastically affecting our present and future.