Governor Scott Walker’s book, Unintimidated, is inspiring to me. Governor Walker has strong, innovative experience at the local, state legislative and state executive levels. He has and is making reform after reform. We desperately need that sort of innovation in government at the federal level. We Republicans must win—and win big—on a nationwide basis in 2014 in order to properly modify Obamacare, turn the budget around and make other necessary reforms. Then in 2016, a strong and successful Republican ticket—possibly headed by Governor Walker—would allow serious innovation at the federal level, including kind, efficient, extensive, imaginative and creative actions. Of course, to do that, Republicans in Congress have to be victorious in 2016, too.
We have our work cut out for us in 2014 and 2016 but there is a dire need to help the American people and bring back stability and order, and encourage freedom and democracies globally. Prosperity is a major goal both domestically and internationally. It is one of the ten elements of Heaven on Earth as I have conceived it. And I believe Republicans can restore that and more.
President Reagan instituted economic policies that revolutionized our business sector and led to similar policies around the world, including China, with very successful outcomes. The United States, initiated by President Reagan’s programs, proceeded on a twenty-five year growth path with dramatic and positive effects and opportunities for the American people.
It’s history which Democrats have tried to rewrite.
Now, I sincerely believe we need Republicans and Democrats in our fairly unique two-party system. In China they have only one party. That is not good and is detrimental to the freedom and liberty of the Chinese people.
But, at the same time, sovereignty is sovereignty and we need world order. Eventually, we, the United States, ought to encourage people around the world to seek their own freedom, liberty and democracy within their own borders through nonviolent means.
Poverty breeds all sorts of bad things. Free enterprise can help enormously and that is one of the prime reasons I oppose President Obama. He just doesn’t understand or trust business and is philosophically opposed to it—unless he, in a third world way—can control it, especially BIG business.
I’ve seen the financial insides of all sizes of businesses. What I’ve found is they are all just people—groups of people. Profit is not a bad word, certainly not one of those many four-letter words invoked against Governor Walker as he went about reforming the state of Wisconsin.
Life is a struggle and none of us knows in depth the suffering of many, many people, with or without money, power and prestige. Governor Walker certainly had a difficult time, as described in his book, Unintimidated. But he was victorious, not just for himself, but more importantly for the people of Wisconsin and the example to our nations that Republican innovations and reforms can work wonders, including improving education, lowering property taxes, fully funding state pensions, the only such state in our country, lowering income taxes, fostering greater reemployment, and turning a deficit into a surplus without layoffs and austerity.
We need Governor Scott Walker in the presidency and that is why I am declaring my support so early. First, re-elect him Governor of Wisconsin, and then help him march on to become the next President of the United States. I sincerely believe Governor Scott Walker is the kind of leader that President Reagan was, a populist conservative who understands how to get results.