The Importance of Fair, Just, and Lawful Democracies

Think of the two “democratic” leaders who are crucial to continued peace in Europe.  President Putin has had opponents poisoned and has impeded free press and freedoms in Russia.  And then consider our own President Obama.  He overtly used the IRS to persecute Tea Party opponents during the election year, 2012, and beyond.  And he had the gall to announce that he was going to use a pen and phone to govern–I would say violate our constitution.   

 So now we have these two leaders at a crossroads in international law and Ukrainian sovereignty.  This is not the way to reach toward heaven on earth.  Constitutions and laws matter.  As one of our wise founders, President John Adams, stated, “A government of laws, and not of men.”    I am concerned that the lack of wisdom and goodwill will eventually lead to military actions in Europe, something that the United States gave much blood and treasure to avoid, and which President Reagan, as well as President H. W. Bush, worked adroitly to avoid.    

Long-term peace and prosperity in Europe must be the goal of these flawed leaders.  There are seven billion people on our planet to consider.  Selfish, emotional and lawless acts must be avoided by all.

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