The key to moving toward Heaven on Earth from the Innovation Age is human enhancement—especially the spread of the wisdom-associated values—and the shunning of the negative values, as enumerated by Copthorne MacDonald in his essay in my book, “How to Achieve a Heaven on Earth.” In his essay, MacDonald explained that wisdom could be taught. I believe that we need a global effort in that regard. This would involve families, schools, spiritual entities, governments, all forms of media and every other form of human relations.
The best teaching, I believe, is by doing, especially within the family. If a parent tries to teach their children values—or practically anything else—yet does not exercise those values and behavior, the result is doomed to failure. Leading by example works and that is why adopting positive values within ourselves while rejecting negative ones can move mountains.
The great religious leaders in human history not only spoke wonderful values, but they also demonstrated those important rules by living them. So, the important lesson is to live one’s values, but even to day-by-day improve our values and behavior. It’s simple; but it won’t be easy. I believe with God’s enduring, steadfast love and guidance, which I deeply believe has been there since the dawn of humankind, we—each of us and all of us—can at some point develop a future without the threat of nuclear annihilation, climate catastrophe and terrorism as well as all the other potential minefields in our existence.