Negative Values: Selfishness

This is my first in my series on the five negative values.  Selfishness may appear very early in children; particularly if sibling rivalry is involved.  Of course, it can and is present in all ages.  But it is a negative value that must be diminished and finally eliminated for us to reach a Heaven on Earth.  We must, globally, recognize this quality as a value to combat, one by one.  All human entities should be engaged in this worthy quest.

Now I don’t consider it selfish to strive for success and financial rewards as long as there is a balance with the positive values such as compassion.  It takes another positive value—honesty—to root out our own selfishness and turn the tide to values like justice.  Selfishness is not a value that will be eradicated globally in a very quick or easy fashion.  But as President Reagan said, there are no easy answers, but there are simple answers.