Revenge is closely related to hate. Here again a wholesale campaign by all human entities can do wonders to end this negative value.
We each have a role to play. We must look in an honest way at ourselves. Is there anyone in our lives whom we harbor the drive to exact revenge? Looking inward is a way of overcoming this and other negative values. It all starts with being honest with oneself and seeking to improve ethically, morally and legally. We should then encourage others to do the same.
The future is all we have ahead of us. We must take care to seek Heaven on Earth. If we don’t, there are the potential catastrophes of crushing debt, global warming with climate change and radical Islamic disaster. I am an optimist and I believe all of the above can be avoided, but not without great effort and a serious turn from past behaviors. A Heaven on Earth beckons. But we must do our part—one by one, million by million, and billion by billion.