A world full of robust, stable prosperous democracies will be a world of permanent peace. Capitalism tempered by democracies with free, fair trade should become a reality for all of humankind. It provides a vehicle for honest work to be not only honored, but to contribute to the greater good.
I seek to inspire Cubans and others around the world to work toward a globe full of democracies with a kindred spirit. In fact, I would be willing to die with dignity in Cuba if that would serve to further the goal of removing their oppressive regime and instill democracy in that country. I recently watched an online course regarding non-violence. The instructor, my friend Michael Nagler, compared India’s Gandhi-led non-violent ousting of the British to the violent revolution in Algeria. In India, of the 350 million citizens, only 2,000 lives were lost; and their democracy still stands. In contrast, of the 11 million Algerians, 800,000 lives were lost and they ended up with a dictatorship.