I don’t know and I don’t have any ancient writing to prove it, but I believe or think that perhaps our hell is in all the bad things that happen to us during our lifetimes; and I also suspect that Almighty God loves each of us and all of us with an enduring, steadfast love that will eventually lead to a Heaven on Earth. Additionally, I believe that, because Almighty God created us and each of us and all of us have a little piece of God within us, He will welcome us all with loving arms after death. He wants us to love one another—worldwide. We can have a Heaven on Earth, and the operable word is “can.”
We need a can-do attitude when it comes to a heaven on earth. President Reagan had an optimism and strength to move the world into a much better place. We must adopt his fiscal frame of mind and reach into ourselves for truth from birth until death. We must also, day by day, develop self-discipline, character and resilience.
The future is all we have ahead of us. We must leap toward innovation because this is and must be the Innovation Age. It’s important to develop a faith in that little piece of God within us and Almighty God. The ancient books contain much wisdom and truth, but there have been vast changes in humankind since they were written.
The Golden Rule is essentially in all the great religions of our world. So are the prevalent and critical values such as justice, peace, honesty and compassion. We must, day by day, improve and strive to help others.
I believe that prosperity is in great jeopardy now because of the debts and obligations of our country, Japan, many nations in Europe, and elsewhere. That’s an important and vital reason why we must innovate in our government and education systems.
We can and we must reach toward a Heaven on Earth. We must not settle for a chaotic world and a desperate state of existence for anyone.
That certainly doesn’t mean collectivism that President Reagan so wisely opposed. It means the all-out effort to educate people globally, and it means inspiring people to reach their potential, in every way—mind, body and little piece of God.
We must not live our lives pointing and understanding with human labels such as slut, whacko, etc. We must learn to accept all others as gifts from Almighty God and somehow try to walk in their shoes. As the song goes, “Love is the Answer.” We are more alike than we are different. We should recognize that and live by it. We must spread kindness day by day, year by year, and lifetime by lifetime. That’s how, in essence, a Heaven on Earth will be achieved.
It’s essential to the progress toward a Heaven on Earth that our government gets its spending under control. We cannot sustain a budget deficit of $1+ trillion while so many have sacrificed so much; how can we let it trickle away with trickle-down government? We must innovate in government and education. It’s essential to reach toward a heaven on earth and avoid a depression and/or hyper-inflation.
We all have our roles in the journey toward a Heaven on Earth. I believe it is something that we should think and pray about to understand our own role.