This afternoon I read an article in The Economist. The article delineated both sides on whether or not innovation is at a rate as it was in the late 1800s and early 1700s. I believe we are in the Innovation Age and The Operation is part of it.
Imagine if we in humankind can really learn to understand ourselves. If we can do that, we have a much better chance of improving ourselves. A Heaven on Earth will undoubtedly require us to dramatically innovate. Think of the ten elements. Each requires tremendous human change, that is, human innovation. Education is the key in many areas resulting not only in knowledge, but wisdom, character and honesty with ourselves and others.
With technology and extreme changes in our education systems worldwide we can innovate and accomplish the goal of a heaven on earth, with God’s enduring, steadfast love.
We need to simplify, innovate and educate. From an early age until death we all need to grow and develop a healthy mind, body and little piece of God within us. The exciting thing is that our growth can bring abundance to all of us. Of course, there will be different incomes and net worths, but eventually—maybe not too long, perhaps fifty years—all will have the necessities in life, with the ideal being that all will be grateful for what they have and not be envious of those who have more.
The wisdom that we can teach includes comprehensive knowledge, possible to a degree with extreme innovation in education. The other key components of wisdom are compassion, The Golden Rule, honesty, justice and peace. Family values are also sorely needed. Our out-of-wedlock birthrate of forty percent is just not acceptable or conductive to the sort of bright tomorrow that I envision.
One thing in that Economist article on innovation was that the threshold of innovation was higher and higher in terms of the knowledge base necessary. Perhaps there is some truth to that, but not everyone on the planet has to hold a graduate degree and spend long years in research and development. Motivation is far more important.
Of course, self-discipline is another key part of character, wisdom and positive values. Just about everything worth doing requires effort, sometimes extreme effort over a long period of time, decades even. It took me a long time—decades—to arrive at the conclusion that my two daily glasses of wine, minimum and maximum, are just the right amount for me. Alcohol is a hard drug and has ruined many lives, but prohibition certainly didn’t work.
I would advise everyone to learn how to express themselves, in writing as well as speaking because being articulate is critical to many phases of one’s personal and business life.