It is becoming clearer and clearer to me that President Obama is totally unsuitable for a second term, a much greater liability than President Carter would have been had he been reelected in 1980. At least President Carter was trying to help our country and was a moral, truthful president.
I believe just about nothing that comes out of the White House these days. Remember the old saying, “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.” Our country’s electorate should keep that in mind when voting, and not to be fooled a second time.
Barrack Obama, Sr. was a liar, an anti-colonialist, a drunkard, and a deserter of the future president and his mother. Ann Obama, in spite of the facts, glorified her former husband, because primarily they were both anti-colonialist and anti-American. The young Barrack Obama was abandoned by his father even before he was born, and by his mother when he was ten. A friend of his said President Obama’s outlook was not because of his color, but because of having been abandoned by both his mother and father.
His world view is totally unlike most Americans of any race. And it matters. He is anti-American and anti-capitalist and yet he is our president. We have the power to change that in our robust, stable democracy. But our prosperity is fragile and, by 2016 under a second term, may be gone.
I no longer blame President Obama’s reckless handling of our economy on his incompetence. Although I do not think he is competent in skills or mindset to lead us forward as Governor Romney can and President Reagan did, I blame his reckless, passive, egotistical attitude, which is part and parcel of an anti-business, anti-American, anti-colonial mindset. This is not the liberalism of President Carter or President Clinton.
This is the mindset of a con artist, one who spoke of no red or blue America, but a United States of America, a time of hope and change. So, he fooled us once. But look at his record. We now have a $16 trillion national debt, about $51,000 per citizen after he presided over a $5 trillion increase.
We are headed for a currency crisis, huge inflation and/or low or no growth and/or deflation as we experience and in effect promote through President Obama a worldwide depression. We must turn from this path.
This economic crisis hurts the poor and middle class the most. But President Obama really doesn’t care about that. His brand of anti-Americanism aims at the “rich” but really doesn’t help the poor, such as his family in Kenya; he said he would help the school there but didn’t. His low level of charitable contributions has been noted in the media.
We are in a very dangerous time. This is not like any other election that we have experienced in our lifetimes. Never have we had an anti-American president running for reelection. President Obama is slick, but his character flaws are readily apparent if you study his record, especially the difference between what he promised and what he delivered. His tally comes up amazingly short, especially with regard to jobs, the economy, onerous regulation, tax ideas which are completely wrong in this economy, and a total failure to address all the enormous fiscal problems of our nation.
It’s important to understand that this is not an ordinary election, not merely a contest between a Democratic president and a Republican Governor. It is a race between an incumbent who has done great harm to our country so far and will do much more with another four years and a candidate who is a moral, academically talented person, who also had a twenty-three-year business career, turned around the fiscal mess attached to the 2002 Olympics, and the Massachusetts governorship.
It’s like an anti-American running against an all-American. Let’s hope and pray that the all-American wins, and is backed by Republican victories at all levels.