According to my analysis on the home page, the re-election of President Obama will lead to a worldwide depression. The more I think about that, the more I am convinced of the truth of those words.
The national debt of $16 trillion is pressing on our economy, slowing it by 25 to 33 percent according to “The Debt Bomb” (See my review of Senator Tom Coburn’s powerful book). President Obama incurred $5 trillion in debt during his first four years.
Harry C. Alford, the President and CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce said, “. . . here we were with the first black President who deliberately discriminates against small business, women, and minorities. How ironic!” (See my review of “The Amateur: Barrack Obama in the White House.”)
President Obama is anti-American and anti-colonial, seeking to bring people in the top one percent down (that’s $34,000 per year globally – See my review of “Obama’s America.”)
President Obama has a Bachelor’s degree in political science from Columbia University and a law degree from Harvard, magna cum laude. He has no business or military management experience, prior to his inept Presidency (See my review of “The Audacity of Hope.”)
Governor Romney was described as incredibly bright, hard-working, and ambitious in the book I reviewed – “The Real Romney.” He earned an English literature degree from BYU (with highest honors and a law degree (with honors) and a Master’s in Business Administration with a Baker Scholar (top five percent) at Harvard University.
Governor Romney had an intense business career including management consulting, head of Bain Capital, and saving Bain & Company as well as the 2002 Olympics. He always surrounded himself with the best people and is admired by the people with whom he worked.
His deep experience (with about 100 companies) at Bain Capital with business, investing, debt, and an understanding of how jobs are created, maintained, and lost will serve us and him well in the Presidency.
His fiscal management in Massachusetts as Governor (with a Democratic legislature) assumed a $650 million deficit with a $2 to $5 billion forecast; turning that into a balanced budget gives further evidence that he is equipped to stop the huge federal deficit from draining our economy.
Yes, it’s the economy, President Obama – and your “answers” don’t work!