Fool me once with promises of hope and change—no red states or blue states, only the United States, followed by extremely partisan politics, shame on President Obama.
Fool me twice, shame on me—a terrible economy, especially for the young, poor and middle class, minorities and small businesses. Let’s not be fooled twice because a second term for President Obama will be even worse than the first: a worldwide depression including real unemployment for twenty-five percent of workers, and/or high inflation.
We must take care to elect Governor Romney, who has the determination, mindset and proven skills to lift us from this dangerous and poor economy that isn’t providing the jobs for our people. Governor Romney knows in great depth how jobs are created, maintained and how they are lost. He also, from his fifteen years at Bain Capital, knows how to handle debt.
President Obama is a slick, slick, slick con man, but we must not let him fool us twice, as our country, our people and the world depend on his not being reelected. One term in the presidency is more than enough affirmative action. We simply can’t afford another term for President Obama.
The book Obama’s America is quite revealing and shocking, considering the polls that tend to show President Obama in the lead for reelection. I now believe President Obama’s whole life has been full of strong anti-colonial and anti-American influences, mostly from his mother on.
We have a slick, slick, slick con man gathering voters despite a terrible record on economics, employment and business that, in my opinion, will be much worse if he wins a second term. He wants to drag us down rather than what Governor Romney wants—to raise us up. And, in my opinion, the world, to a great extent, will follow us, whichever direction we go.
Up or down, for the United States and the world. We will be poor or prosperous; we will have peace and security or war and insecurity. That seems like a simple choice, but the con man is hard at work clinging to the presidency so he can complete his “work.”
We must seek the truth, even though it may be difficult for many to discern the truth in the con man, because truth is not something that concerns him. He believes he is on a mission of anti-“rich,” anti-colonialism and anti-Americanism and the means justifies the end.
President Obama is a deeply-flawed person, abandoned by his father before birth and by his mother at the age of ten for her career (both parents being anti-American and anti-colonialist). He’s had a series of anti-American “mentors” since the age of ten.
The role of our voters—white and black, Hispanic, Asian or any other or combination—is not to vote race, but to cast our ballot for the better candidate to head the country for the next four years. I predict a dismal future, by design and circumstances, if President Obama is reelected.
But if Governor Romney and a host of Republicans at all levels are elected, we have a chance, a good chance. If the elections go the other way the result will be simply dismal, for our country and the world.