how to achieve a heaven on earth
101 insightful essays from the world’s greatest thinkers,leaders and writers
Edited by John E.Wade II
how to achieve a heaven on earth is a compilation of essays from 101 of the most prestigious thinkers, writers, public figures, and other luminaries on a wide range of topics which focus on the problems and challenges facing the people of the world today. how to achieve a heaven on earth tackles the momentous question of what each of us can do to improve our community, our country, and our world, one step at a time.
Essayists include: •Barack Obama •David Brooks •Ted Turner •Nicholas D. Kristof •Leonard Pitts, Jr. •Marianne Williamson •Chris Rose •Al Gore •George Bush •Dale Brown •Tony Blair •Thomas L. Friedman •George Rodrigue •Paul Prudhomme •Poppy Tooker •and more.
Each essay will reflect and elaborate upon one or more of the ten elements of a heaven on earth: peace, security, freedom, democracies, prosperity, spiritual harmony, racial harmony, ecological harmony, and health, as well as moral purpose and meaning. In most, if not all, of these basic characteristics, positive results in one engender improvements in the others.
This information and more was taken from and is available on the book’s website. Please take a moment to check it out and read an excerpt of this tremendous book.
About the Author
John E. Wade II is an author, investor, philanthropist, and founder of the nonprofit organization Soldiers of Love. An active member of his church and civic organizations in his area, Wade holds an M.A. from the University of Georgia and has worked in a range of fields. His extensive travels, including visits to China, India, Egypt, Israel, Syria, Jordan, and Brazil, inspired him to collect the essays in this work. Wade lives in New Orleans, Louisiana.
My Thoughts
I found this book to be very inspirational…I suppose that isn’t the exact word I want to use. The book IS inspirational but it is more than that to me. It is comforting and it is challenging. how to achieve a heaven on earth is comforting to me because, despite having despairing thoughts regarding what seem to be so many hopeless situtations in the world today, I was able to find such hope in the various essays. Hope for peace…hope for harmony between the people of the world…hope for prosperity. How easy it is,while reading the morning paper or listening to the evening news, to become so depressed or feel so hopeless and helpless. Yet, within the pages of this book are messages of hope…directions for achieving what would indeed be a heaven on earth. Therein lies the challenging part. The essays in how to achieve a heaven on earth do not, for me, offer up “pie in the sky” …”have a cup of tea and don’t worry” solutions for what ails us. Rather, they challenge us to THINK…and to take action to make the world a better place for all. I have a little saying …which I often say to is “Pray for a good harvest…but don’t put down your hoe”. Reading the essays in this wonderful book reinforced that for me. Whenever I get disheartened now or feel like tossing my hoe in the ditch…I know that there will be a message for me in how to achieve a heaven on earth. I sincerely thank Mr. John E. Wade II for this marvelous work.
Take up your hoe…buy this book…read this book…keep it close by…once you have it you will pick it up again and again and always find a message of hope, comfort and challenge.