Contemplating Our Purpose in Life

South east Asian man’s hands resting over water.

Our purpose is first to take care of ourselves in mind, body and “little piece of God.”  If we don’t do that, we can’t help our families, others and God.  This requires self-discipline and the mutual respect between others and ourselves.

The realities of life can range from joy to sorrow and from triumphs to failures.  The poem, “If,” by Rudyard Kipling captures the feelings of this moment in much more articulate fashion than I can.  Truth and wisdom is so important for us individually and collectively.

My therapist told me years ago that my gift was making things simple.  That’s a wonderful compliment partly due to the source, but also due to the content.  Making things simple while still accumulating the essence of them really is a gift.  Thank You, Dear God.

The future is all we have ahead of us.  Part of that journey must include somehow overwhelming the radical Muslims and all other violent people.  Terrorism and crime must become completely absent from our lives.  Only God can guide us along this path toward Heaven on Earth.

I don’t ever foresee the world becoming a “playground.”  But I do see a joy running through our lives with the ups and the downs until we finally reach the Spiritual Age and God promotes and allows love to completely prevail.