This value is essential on that path toward a Heaven on Earth.  It encompasses compassion directed inwardly, as well as for others.  Healthy self-esteem is important; without it, it’s difficult to have healthy compassion for others.  Compassion should be expressed in both our words and deeds.  Doing so will bring us closer to many of the…

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We need to learn how to work with other people, nations, corporations, etc. with goodwill, honesty and genuine empathy.  Thus, some values such as honesty and empathy reinforce other values much like some of the elements of a Heaven on Earth support other elements.  An example is spiritual harmony leading to greater peace and security.

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These values are so basic.  First, we must be honest and truthful about ourselves, something that is much harder than it appears on the surface. Being honest and truthful with others is also quite important and difficult, too.  Why is it hard?  Too often one can say things that we know consciously or subconsciously the…

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This is a wonderful value and I believe that it should be differentiated from sympathy.  Sympathy encourages victimhood; and if it involves something that is major in our lives– such as race–it can lead to wasted lives. Adversity of all types can be overcome and in doing so an individual very well may gain the…

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At his request, I am reading the manuscript for Martin Rutte’s new book, Project Heaven on Earth.  Martin writes that one of the roadblocks in so many people’s minds is that such a goal is “too idealistic,” but he counters with examples of such individuals as Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa and Lech Walesa.  I would add…

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I’m at Houston’s looking out onto St. Charles Avenue and sipping a glass of red wine.  I notice a handicapped person in a motorized wheelchair.  There are many, many handicapped people who are extraordinarily resilient beyond all boundaries.  Sadly, many are not genuinely appreciated or can gain employment on the level that they are more…

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The world has never been in a state of debt and obligations that it’s in right now.  Our nation, and perhaps the whole world, needs self-discipline.  Values—such as thrift, saving, financial literacy, honesty, wisdom, resilience, character, kindness, compassion, justice, and peace—are all part of the fabric of what could help the world emerge from our…

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I urge you to read this insightful article, co-authored by my friend Martin Rutte.  I believe you will be inspired to join in creating a Heaven on Earth.  Please pass it on!

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